
⦁ It helps relieve pain and ensures painless fecal excretion.
⦁ It also has an anti-microbial action.
⦁ Accelerates wound healing.
⦁ Aids digestion.
⦁ Relieves itching, pain and swelling related to piles and anal fissures.
⦁ Helpful against constipation.

यह दर्द को दूर करने में मदद करता है और दर्द रहित मल उत्सर्जन सुनिश्चित करता है। इसमें रोगाणुरोधी क्रिया भी होती है। घाव भरने में तेजी लाता है। पाचन में सहायता करता है। बवासीर और गुदा विदर से संबंधित खुजली, दर्द और सूजन से राहत मिलती है। कब्ज के खिलाफ सहायक।

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Piles can be an extremely painful and uncomfortable condition. When Piles are swollen, veins are inflamed or ruptured without causing any bleeding either externally or internally and causes anal canal and swelling around the anus. Piles may be caused either due to frequent diarrhoea, chronic constipation.

PILAC DROP is very much effective in piles, fissure. Haemorrhoids, bleeding from rectum, fistula, constipation and other bowel problems.
⦁ It helps relieve pain and ensures painless fecal excretion.
⦁ It also has an anti-microbial action.
⦁ Accelerates wound healing.
⦁ Aids digestion.
⦁ Relieves itching, pain and swelling related to piles and anal fissures.
⦁ Helpful against constipation.

Key Ingredients: Aesculus hippocastanum Q, Collinsonia canadensis ,Q Hamamelis virginiana Q, Paeonia officinalis Q, Nux vomica Q, Sulphur Q.
Dosage: Take 10-15 drops of PILAC



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