OK DROP is a homoeopathic remedy helpful in relieving the symptoms of dyspepsia, gas, acidity and indigestion. It helps relieve pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen and helps treat heartburn, bloating, nausea and vomiting.
⦁ Acts as a tonic and helps to improve the appetite and provide benefits on the intestinal spasm.
⦁ Useful in acidity, dyspepsia, bloating, deranged digestion & flatulence.
⦁ It treats bloating, indigestion and gastric problems.
⦁ Used in colic, diarrhoea with extremely loose bowel movement and painful haemorrhoids.
Key Ingredients: Natrum phosphoricum Lycopodium clavetum Q, Alumina Magnesia carbonica Carica papaya Q
Dosage: Take 10-15 drops of 0K
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